Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 Regulation 19: Proposed Submission (January 2024)
Horsham District Council has published its proposed submission Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 under regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. You are invited to make representations on the Local Plan during the following six week period:
Start of period: 09:00 on 19 January 2024
End of period: 17:00 on 01 March 2024
Please see the attached Statement of Representations Procedure and Proposed Submission Document Availability for full details of the Regulation 19 period for representations.
We have also attached a printable poster in PDF form (see attached). We would be grateful if you could print and display this in an appropriate location, and use it to further inform your Members and wider parish.
Background to the Local Plan
The Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 will replace the Horsham District Development Framework 2015.
The Local Plan sets out where new development may be allocated, how much affordable housing may be built and includes policies for considering new development proposals such as infrastructure, community facilities, design and heritage and addressing the causes and potential impacts of climate change.
How to comment on behalf of your Parish Council
The Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040 Regulation 19, along with the proposed submission documents and other supporting documents, can be accessed via the ‘View and comment on Regulation 19’ button on the webpage:
Responses can be submitted via the above link. You will need to register on our online consultation portal in order to submit representations on the Local Plan using the online portal (although all documents can be viewed without registering).
The documents are also available to view during normal opening hours at:
- Horsham District Council Offices Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham. RH12 1RL (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm)
- And at the following libraries: Billingshurst, Crawley, Henfield, Horsham, Pulborough, Southwater, Steyning, and Storrington Library.
Library opening hours are available from the link below.
Find your nearest Library
Alternative ways of submitting representations are available. Please see the Statement of Representations Procedure and Proposed Submission Document Availability for details. If you are emailing your representations, please use the email address localplan@horsham.gov.uk.
At Regulation 19, responses must follow the format required by the Planning Inspectorate and be framed around the Tests of Soundness and legal compliance. A ‘Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance for making representations’ is available from the website given above.
All representations made in the proper way (‘duly made’) will be submitted to the independent Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State alongside the submission Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040, statutory documentation and full evidence base
Contact us
For any queries, please visit www.horsham.gov.uk/localplan or contact the Planning Policy team on strategic.planning@horsham.gov.uk or by telephone 01403 215398.