

You can view planning applications via the Horsham District Council Planning Site.

Slinfold Parish Council has a very active Planning Advisory Committee who respond to planning applications. Five members of the Parish Council form this committee as well as the Chairman of the Council.

Local Planning Authorities (Horsham District Council (HDC) and West Sussex County Council (WSCC) notify Slinfold Parish Council, as statutory consultee, that a planning application has been received and validated and request that the Parish Council responds to the application with 21 days from the date of notification.

The Clerk notifies the members of the committee that an application is in the system and asks that they review the application and comment. The Chairman of the Committee collates the responses and shares these at the next Parish Council meeting, where the recommendations put forward are considered and agreed. Members of the public are most welcome to attend meetings and ‘have their say’ on applications during the Public Forum at the start of every meeting.

Occasionally, the Parish Council (PC) must decide whether to consider an application that is not on the agenda. This occurs when the planning authority notifies the PC of an application between the time the agenda has been published and the PC meeting itself. If an extension by the planning authority is not permitted i.e. so that it can be tabled and considered at the meeting the following month, then the PC may choose to respond. If members of the public are aware of an application that is not on the agenda and they want their comments to be considered then they should do so using the local planning authority website and copy their comments to the Clerk at the very earliest opportunity by email at

Tree Preservation Orders

For details of trees with Tree Preservation Orders, please contact the Parish Clerk. The Parish Council has an up to date map of trees with TPO’s.

If you see surgery being carried out to a tree that you suspect has a TPO, please contact the Parish Clerk immediately or the Arboriculturalist at Horsham District Council –  on 01403 215100

The Parish Council relies on the vigilance of members of the public to preserve our protected trees.

Planning Documents