Planning Application Process

Planning Application Process

Step 1 : The Consultation Process

  • A list of planning applications received by HDC are published weekly in the local press.
  • Applications can be viewed in the Council Offices or on the HDC ‘Public Access’ website.
  • HDC send letters to those likely to be affected by a development.
  • Slinfold Parish Council receive details of all applications and are required to respond to HDC within 14 days of the application being posted.
  • There is a legal/statutory requirement for ‘Site Notices’ to be displayed in special areas such as conservation areas. Whilst HDC do ask all applicants to display a site notice, please note that there is no statutory requirement for notices to be displayed unless the development is in a special area.

Step 2 : How to respond to Consultation

Slinfold Parish Council are requested to respond to an application within 14 days of HDC having sent out a copy in the post. Our Planning Advisory Committee review all applications received and provide HDC with a comment wherever possible within this 14 days but this comment is subject to the approval of the full Parish Council on the last Thursday of every month. If you would like the Parish Council to consider your views on an application that they are being consulted upon, please email

Anyone can make a comment to HDC on an application up until the target determination date which is usually 8 weeks after the application has been validated, but this must be done in writing to the Planning Department, North Street, Horsham RH12 1RL or by emailing It is important that you indicate in writing whether you wish to speak to HDC on the planning application. HDC will provide you with further information on the process involved.

Step 3 : Assessment of the Planning Application

Each application is allocated to a Planning Case Officer and this officer will be a point of contact for enquiries. Please telephone The Planning Department on 01403-215187 should you wish to talk to the Case Officer.

Step 4 : The Decision

Planning applications may be determined by officers who have delegated powers, or by a planning committee who meet once a month. You may speak at the committee meeting, but each speaking slot will be limited to 2 minutes.

Please contact The Planning Department on 01403-215187 if you have further queries about the process. If you would like a copy of the leaflet produced by HDC ‘Public Involvement in Planning’ please contact the clerk on