The Slinfold Parish Design Statement was adopted at the Horsham District Council Cabinet meeting on 04 September 2006 as interim planning policy, pending adoption of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy.
Sarah Eastman, Senior Planning Officer at Horsham District Council congratulated the parish on their work.. The final design and printing has now been completed and the document distributed to every household and business in the Parish.
The Parish Design Statement is an important step for this parish. Now that it is adopted by Horsham District Council as planning policy it is a ‘material consideration’ when Horsham District Council determines planning applications. That is to say, the Parish Design Statement carries more weight, as it is adopted policy. The Parish Council is now actively using the Parish Design Statement when responding to planning consultations.
The Parish Council would like to thank Neil Peachey and his team for their work over the years to produce this document. We hope the parish will benefit from their work for many years to come.
Please click on the Design Statement Cover to view the Parish Design Statement.